Supporting Top Secret Kids
Individual and Corporate Support
The Top Secret Kids is a charitable nonprofit organization that needs a variety of funding sources to grow its hands-on programs. With recent reports about school testing that science education continues to fail, we seek help from corporations, foundations, and government agencies, and the generosity of individual donors to enable us to develop and produce cutting-edge training, international science consulting, and to continue to present inspiring and educational interactive programs to almost 40 million children worldwide each year. We thank our donors for their loyalty and enthusiasm, and look forward to working with new friends as we grow as a world-class science and technology center.
For more information on how to donate, please call us at 781-935-9925. Your donations are completely tax deductible.

The Top Secret Kids seeks to recruit, develop, and retain individuals from racially and culturally diverse backgrounds and persons with disabilities. We strive to create and sustain a more affirming environment for all staff, interns, volunteers, trustees and overseers. We value expertise gained at the Center and encourage professional development and career growth. Our visitors learn more about the world around us through touch, observation, interaction, and play. Their experiences are made substantially more meaningful through the work of our dedicated and enthusiastic core of volunteers, who are an integral part of the community. Volunteers support the Top Secret Kids in activities that range from interacting with visitors to providing administrative support for the staff. In all that they do, their work enables the Top Secret Kids to provide a lively, fun and educational experience for everyone.
Become part of our volunteer team! To apply, please call us at 781-935-9925. Thanks for your support!
In 2021 we created America’s first State of the Art Glow in the Dark Science Laboratory. With the help of several generous sponsors students will make and take home all of their experiments and activities. Museums and discovery centers are fun but without make and take home hands-on experiments research shows that they offer no long term increases in science skills, attitude or knowledge levels.